Wrist Diseases

The wrist joint is the most functional and most mobile joint in our body. It forms a very mobile joint together with the forearm bones and 8 bones in the hand. The fingers of the hand are the most functional anatomical structure in the world. It can make a lot of movement and grasping movements.…

Dequervain Tenosinoviti

It manifests itself with pain in the wrist. It causes pain especially in the thumb. Joint pain is severely limited.     The diagnosis can be made by physical examination. In some cases, tests may be required to determine whether there are additional problems. Treatment starts with medication and splinting. If this treatment does not…

Trigger Finger

It is a discomfort with snagging and pain in the fingers of the hand. Especially the complaining finger gets stuck in the fist position. The disease is caused by strain and sometimes by blows. Some diseases increase its occurrence. In the early stages, massage and medication treatments are effective. In advanced patients, it can be…