Shoulder Impingement Syndrome

Shoulder impingement syndrome is a condition seen especially in patients who need to carry weights or whose arms generally need to work above the shoulder. It causes complaints because our muscle (supraspinatus), which passes between the acromion, known as the epaulet bone, and the humerus, known as the arm bone, and tries to lift the…

Shoulder Joint

The shoulder joint is a complex joint consisting of bone tissue, muscles and ligaments. With the intensity of daily life, it is a joint that should not be neglected, although its pain is underestimated. In general, there can be many problems in the shoulder joint, from simple strains to muscle and ligament tears. Causes of…

Shoulder Muscle Tears

The shoulder muscles are essential for the use of the arm and the stability of the joint. Tears in these muscles both prevent lifting the arm and cause the joint to lose stability over time, leading to the need for a more challenging treatment process. It causes complaints such as shoulder pain and difficulty in…

Shoulder Ligament Tears

Shoulder ligament tears are disorders that we see very frequently, especially in our patients who do sports. Shoulder dislocations caused by blows to the shoulder, sudden movements with the shoulder, blows or traumas cause tears at various levels in the shoulder. In shoulder ligament tears, if the size of the tear is very small, it…