It is a condition that is accompanied by pain, especially in the ankle. There may be compression in the anterior and posterior region of the ankle joint. The most common cause is bone protrusions in the anterior region in the early stage of arthritis (arthrosis) caused by various reasons in the joint, and in the posterior region, anatomically congenital excess bone or bone protrusions put pressure on the tiss
Sometimes the pain starts suddenly and sometimes it may cause gradually increasing pain. The diagnosis is made with X-rays and MRI along with special examinations. Since there is a lot of pain in the tissues that are compressed during the painful period, successful results can be obtained with anti-edema treatments and injection treatments. If these treatments are not beneficial or in case of very advanced problems, surgery may be required.
The operation is performed with a closed method called arthroscopy. Rest is required for 1 week after the operation and then walking can be started slowly. Especially with the ankle exercises to be done in the first 6 weeks, normal life can be returned quickly in the short term.